
Life Choices

By 24 June 2010No Comments

One recent evening, I stood on my deck in the sunset talking to a past girlfriend. Now living in San Francisco with a “successful” photography business, she talked of the stress of her overhead. A studio. Finding a new place to live. A place that would take a dog. Driving a car with almost 200,000 miles. Juggling it all to make ends meet and have a little left over. The sound of traffic filled the spaces between her words.

She was leaving early the next day for a three-day shoot at a Sonoma organic lavender farm.

I listened, watching the sun turn the clouds behind the Three Sisters, a mix of orange and red, as a pair of crows chased an eagle across the base of the mountains. The eagle flew silently, diving to dodge the crows and then climbing. The strident caws of the crows carried across the quiet of the darkening valley.