So yesterday it’s full-on nasty November transition fall to winter weather, cold half snow, half rain, all blowing sideways. Today it’s “Where the hell are my shorts weather”.
What’s the deal?
It’s spring. Damn spring.
Fall and spring are the tease seasons. One foot in the old and one foot in the new. Like straddling two canoes, we have to be ready to change our balance. One day it might be warm (today and purportedly the next few) and the next it might be snowing.
Do you have skins?
Skinning up the mountain on a bright spring corn snow day is an the Fernie spring experience. You and a few friends. Sitting at Lost Boys with no lift running. The silence. A few camp robbers and the pop of the cork from the wine bottle. On the deck of Lost Boys with a picnic of a random nature. A picnic that includes wine, hot chili, baguettes, cheese and more wine all by chance. And it works. It fits. Perfectly.
It’s all good
All spring
All good.